Etsy Teams: Do I need One?

Etsy Teams: Do I need One?

If you don't currently sell some of your products on etsy, you are missing out, not only on sales because customers go to etsy to find products, either be it personalised, to support independent makers or just something that isn't on offer on the high-street.

It is a marketplace, community, shop and many more things all in one.


What is an Etsy team?

An etsy team is a community of sellers that share a common interest, location or product group. A team is set up by a captain, and they can add further team leaders to support. The team captains and leaders don't get paid for the time they spend on the team, most do it out of the goodness of their heart, love helping people and just meeting other sellers.

Teams usually start interacting on the etsy website in the team forum, and then usually the team have separate social media groups because it is easier to organise events and chat.

Teams also have individual social media accounts that are run by the team captain and leaders to promote sellers products, events and the local community.  


What you can get out of an Etsy Team?

There are many things you can do as a team, and it all very much depends on the captain, team leaders and what the members suggest, there is a saying 'You get out, what you put in' and that can very much be the case. Usually, there are team meetings, social promotion and selling events, but it can depend on the captain and leaders.

Generally, the team have a monthly meeting, whether it be with tea and cakes or cocktails and mocktails. The monthly meeting has a theme, decided on by the team, but these are there to help the team out selling online and a good chat with other makers.


Ideas to do as a Team (or as an individual if you feel like it)

Sometimes, it can be hard to think of ideas of what to do with your etsy team or just a group of sellers you know.  

(a blog will follow with more details and ideas)

  • Create Pinterest Boards of themes for events and products
  • Create an instagram challenge
  • Team meetups
  • Create a team etsy collection page
  • Host a loop giveaway
  • Team Webinars
  • Host an Open night (like gallery style)
  • Shared Hashtag
  • Invite a guest speaker
  • Share a resource like product photographer for the day
  • Christmas market/etsy made local 
  • Make decorations together
  • Craft something different together

Current Active UK Etsy Teams:


Birmingham Ideas

Birmingham Originals


Bristol -







Glasgow (Glasgow Team also accept Etsy sellers from across Scotland)




Isle of Wight



Leeds -


London Local -




Milton Keynes


New Forest



Portsmouth and Southsea




South East England

South Cheshire




UK - Craft Britannia

UK and Ireland




It is super easy to join a team, just click on one of the above teams and press apply. Alternatively, go on etsy, scroll to the bottom and click 'teams', then you can search for other teams for cat-themed products, or whatever you feel like.

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Hey, i haven’t done one yet, but you will see them on instagram. You might see a post posted by one of the group in the loop, then it will tell you to follow each of the shops in the loop, and then maybe like/comment on each loop picture on the shops. Then out of everyone that has followed the rules, one person could win a prize from each of shops.

Thats what i have seen anyway :)


What is a loop giveaway Fay?

Mandy Billington

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